The diplomatic community in Israel performs venues at the embassies, ambassador’s residence or other locations, The participants are normally Israeli invitees, the Israeli based diplomatic community and other visitors.
The coordination between all the participants in the venue from the behalf of security, logistics, catering and other aspects it crucial in order to minimize the gaps during the venue.
Sparta has vast experience in the managing of security and logistics for large scale events, we will manage it while becoming the management representative of the embassy to work with the local service providers of the venue, analyze the potential problems and set the solutions to it.
Our agency provides wide range of investigations to the corporate sector
Our diplomatic security detail specializes in diplomatic security as close protection or venue security coverage.
We will write a detailed security plan, approve it with the Israeli police and the authorities in order to minimize misunderstandings.
The security coverage meant to prevent an entrance of unwanted or unapproved visitors, managing the parking areas, secure the venue, information security and close areas at the venue location and other tasks required by the client representitives.
Our diplomatic security detail have an experience at the diplomatic field, English speakers, dressed in suits and carry equipment as needed