6 Things You Must Consider When Choosing a Security Consulting Services Provider
Choosing a company to handle your security consulting services should not be a decision undertaken lightly. When it comes to the safety and security of your organization or yourself, it is imperative to not only find a provider with advanced capabilities, but one that is committed to creating a tailor-made solution that caters to all your unique security needs.
Whether you’re a high profile VIP, governmental delegate, part of a corporation or from the private sector, your security requirements should be handled in a professional, discreet and effective way. In order to find the right security consulting services provider for you, the following factors must be considered:
1. Does the company have strong leadership?
Successful security services are those which are directed by strong leaders at every level. Any security officer involved in your protection should be briefed on your case and objectives in order to be able to best respond to any threat which may occur. This calls for effective communication between office-based and on-site agents and is something you can get a feel of by inquiring about a company’s chain of command. Will your contact in charge of building your security solution also be in charge of running on-site operations? A hand’s on and reliable approach is what we believe in at Sparta Security Solutions LTD, with effective communication within the company being one of our strengths.
2. What is the expertise of the company?
Does the company offer all-round security consulting services or does it specialize in one particular area? If you’re main requirement is for example, VIP protection services, then you should focus on this particular aspect when making inquiries. It is important not to shy away from taking up services from all-round security service providers, however, as often these companies have greater capabilities when it comes to defending against any type of threat, with their ability to look at “the whole picture” rather than focusing on one pixel.
3. Are the employees highly trained?
Strong leadership is important but at the end of the day you need to be able to place your trust in every single member of your security consulting service provider. What type of training is mandatory for staff and does the company have enough members to fill every post in every shift? At Sparta all of our agents have previously undergone governmental training, and we work to make sure that sure their tactical and theoretical skills are continuously honed and upgraded in order to stay ready and capable to handle any threat that may occur. All of our agents have passed due diligence and background checks and are required to sign NDA’s before undertaking missions.
4. Is communication prioritized?
Fully open communication gives your contracted security firm the best chance to protect you in a continually shifting security landscape in the most effective way possible. You should meet regularly with your point of contact to discuss new potential threats, conduct risk assessment, and generally review the effectiveness of your security solution. If you don’t get a vibe of open communication when entering into a new relationship with a security consulting service provider, then you should keep looking.
5. Are you being offered value for money services?
Try to compare between contractors which offer the same type of security services, that way you will have an apples-to-apples comparison and you’ll really be able to see where you are being offered value for money. Transparency is important when it comes to pricing, make sure that all of the involved costs are on the table when you venture into an agreement with a contractor. At Sparta our tailor-made solutions come hand in hand with our knowledge of and connections with manufacturers, allowing us to provide security services for governments and private clients at minimal cost.
6. What sort of flexibility can you expect?
Your situation is unique and so should your security plan be. Don’t hesitate to ask upfront if your prospective contractor will be able to be at your every beck and call. As mentioned, open communication is important, and what’s even more important is a fast response time. It is also important to check if the company will be able to offer you all the services which you may need in the future. For example, maybe you didn’t think you would need to make use of red teaming and risk analysis services, but certain changes of circumstances mean that they are now appropriate to your plan. Flexibility should also be evident in your security consulting service provider’s efforts to match a relevant security plan to your specific budget.

Consideration of these fundamental elements will set you on the right path for choosing a security consulting service company that’s truly fitting to you and your needs. Whether you’re looking for VIP protection services, dignitary and delegation protection, investigations and special operations, crisis management consulting or red team risk assessment, you’ll find it and more at Sparta Security Solutions LTD.